Thursday, June 23, 2011

for the sake of photography

my second time to sepang goldcoast was with a good friend, may chen whom i strongly supported in her dreams of pursuing her photography to the next level. from hobby to generating a pretty good income for herself on a part time basis. definitely a good head on her shoulders, not jumping into it just as it is launching, rather, she is keeping a full time job while enjoying her hobby. we would go to dragonboat races, beaches and wherever that has some unique features, just for the sake of photography. she calls me her model :) not a very good one really. 
this round, you will see more of how sepang goldcoast really is. it's beautiful, captured at the right moment. literally watching the sunset before our eyes, having a very beach like food at the very beach style setting, then lounging at the hut front for a very beach like closing of the night. all in the name of photography? i can get use to this. 
*all pictures courtesy of May Chen*

pretending to be cool, under the burning evening scorch

sunset at sepang goldcoast

beach front restaurant and table setting. enjoy a cocktail or two.

we ordered an assortment of grilled seafood. yummy licious. accompanied later with a cool beer

photo captures a thousand words

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